Jak správně používat slovo F@ck?

Nechte se pobavit flexibilitou slovíčka F*ck.

Pohodlně se usaďte a jste-li starší 18ti let, čtěte dál. 🙂

  • Puzzlement: What the f*ck?
  • Compliment: It’s so f*cking beautiful.
  • Wonder: What the f*ck is this?
  • Identification: Who the f*ck are you?
  • Anger: F*ck you!
  • Regret: F*ck me!
  • Resignation: Oh, f*ck it.
  • Amazement: How the f*ck did they do that?
  • Realization: I f*cking knew it!
  • Threat: Don’t f*ck with me!
  • Mischief: Let’s f*ck with them.
  • Aggression: Let’s f*ck them up!
  • Fraud: They got f*cked over.
  • Philosophical: Who gives a f*ck?
  • Surprise: Holy f*ck!
  • Sexual: Let’s f*ck.






Zuzana Strnadová

IČO: 05698227
Nejsem plátce DPH


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