#BusinessEnglishMonday (1)

Shrnutí červencových Business English Monday příspěvků, které můžete sledovat na mém LinkedIn.
A krátký testík na konci, protože practice makes perfect! 🤓



– I’m sorry, I have to turn down your offer. It just doesn’t align with my current goals.
– I’ve been offered a position at a rival company, but I’ve decided to turn down the offer because I’m happy with my current job.

= to decline or reject an offer, request, or opportunity.


➡️ TAKE somebody UP ON something

– I’ll take you up on that offer.
– I’m offering a discount on our product if you take me up on it within the next two weeks.

= to accept an offer or suggestion made by someone else



– We’ll have to put off the meeting until next week.
– We’ll need to put off the announcement until we’ve confirmed all the details.
– The client wants to put off the deadline until next month because they’re still finalizing the requirements.

= to delay or postpone something.



– We need to come up with a more creative approach to our advertising campaign.
– Let’s come up with a new marketing strategy.
Can you come up with a few ideas for our next team-building event?
– Now I need to come up with another phrasal verb for BusinessEnglishMonday 😅

= to think of or develop an idea.



– We’ll have to work out the logistics before the launch.
– We’ll need to work out the details of the contract before we can proceed with the deal.
– Can we work out a time that’s convenient for everyone to meet and discuss the project?

= to find a solution to a problem or to make an arrangement.



– The marketing team is diving into the customer feedback to better understand their needs.
– Let’s dive into the financial reports and see where we can make improvements.

= to deeply examine or engage with something.



– The CEO will be weighing in on the final decision before we roll out the new product line.
– I want to weigh in on this decision because I think we need to consider the long-term effects on customer satisfaction.
– The team was divided on the design, but the CEO’s decision to weigh in and choose one of the designs helped to move the project forward.
– When did you last weigh in on something? And what was it?

= to give your opinion or offer input, especially during a discussion.


Test yourself!

  1. The product development team _____ several new ideas for the company’s upcoming line of eco-friendly products.
  2. The marketing team is excited to _____ the data from the survey and make recommendations based on their findings.
  3. The CEO ______ the offer to join the board of directors, saying that he needed more time to focus on his current responsibilities.
  4. After careful consideration, the team decided to _____ their social media strategy in order to better engage with their target audience.
  5. The project manager advised the team _____ an alternative plan in case the original timeline was not feasible.
  6. Before making a decision about the new budget proposal, the company president asked the department heads to _______ with their opinions and feedback.



  1. came up with
  2. dive into
  3. turned down
  4. take up
  5. work out
  6. weigh in

Zuzana Strnadová

IČO: 05698227
Nejsem plátce DPH


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